
BJA FY 2023 Second Chance Act Training and Technical Assistance Program

OJP is committed to advancing work that promotes civil rights and racial equity, increases access to justice, supports crime victims and individuals impacted by the justice system, strengthens community safety and protects the public from crime and evolving threats, and builds trust between law enforcement and the community. With this solicitation, BJA seeks to fund up to four organizations to deliver training and technical assistance to SCA grantees and the field. It includes four categories for funding: Category 1: National Reentry Resource Center Category 2: Corrections and Community Engagement Category 3: Health and Housing Category 4: Education and Employment

HUD – FY22 Jobs Plus Initiative

The place-based Jobs Plus program addresses poverty among public housing residents by incentivizing and enabling employment through earned income disregards for working residents and a set of services designed to support work including employer linkages, job placement and counseling, educational advancement, and financial counseling.

DOJ – Second Chance Act Youth Offender Reentry Program (2021)

The Correctional Adult Reentry Education, Employment, and Recidivism Strategies (CAREERRS) Program, a Second Chance Act program, is designed to help communities establish education, vocation, and job training programs in their correctional systems that address employment challenges facing incarcerated youth and adults re-entering those communities and the workforce.

DOJ – Research and Evaluation on Promising Reentry Initiatives (2021)

The Correctional Adult Reentry Education, Employment, and Recidivism Strategies (CAREERRS) Program, a Second Chance Act program, is designed to help communities establish education, vocation, and job training programs in their correctional systems that address employment challenges facing incarcerated youth and adults re-entering those communities and the workforce.

DOJ – Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (2021)

The Correctional Adult Reentry Education, Employment, and Recidivism Strategies (CAREERRS) Program, a Second Chance Act program, is designed to help communities establish education, vocation, and job training programs in their correctional systems that address employment challenges facing incarcerated youth and adults re-entering those communities and the workforce.